Today i saw a post about league of legends meta on this subreddit, even though the post was taking specifically about pro-play, many comments were shitting on the game balance, feel, riot games, etc.

I got kinda annoyed by seeing all those people who haven’t deved very deep and understood the game talking all that.

So i ask you guys, what makes dota good, or better than league in your opinion, i don’t know anything about the game, what makes it feel good for you?

I ask this to everyone but i’m more interested in the opinions of those here who have achieved a decent rank in both games (maybe 10% of the ladder or less)

This is not an attack on dota, i’m just curious

  • HentaiMaster501OPB
    1 年前

    Meta doesn’t matter until masters+ (1% of the ranked ladder), pro play have a different way of thinking about the game than in normal play so you should be fine playing what you like