I have a few web services installed on our home network and would like to have a landing page that family inside our LAN can go to and then just click a button to go to each of the services. This will help the family not need to remember port numbers.

Is there a docker container that anyone would recommend for this?

  • @JoeB-B
    28 months ago

    I use Homepage. There are plenty of other options, but I prefer Homepage because of it’s speed and simplicity. Many landing page apps allow for customizing on the page itself. Homepage is configured using YAML files, and therefore static, so family members will not be able to make changes, or accidentally break it, once you have it set up.

    Here is a screenshot of my… Homepage.

    I use custom images and icons uploaded to Dropbox in… icons-72x72-png.zip

    These are kept in volumes for persistence…

    --volume homepage_config:/app/config \
    --volume homepage_icons:/app/public/icons 
    --volume homepage_images:/app/public/images \
  • @______-_-_________B
    18 months ago

    I setup an Nginx container and created my own html page for family. Even added a Google search bar to it. It only has a few links to services that I want my wife to use. Everything else goes on Homer.

  • @crayiiiOPB
    18 months ago

    Awesome! I wasn’t sure what the term was. I guess the downvote was because I didn’t search. Sorry to have wasted your time downvoters. 😂

  • @thekrautboyB
    18 months ago

    They are called “personal dashboards” and are easy to find with a simple search of this subreddit, and also you can look at the “aweesome selfhosted” list in the subreddit sidebar, it has a entire section on such dashboards for you.

  • @jogai-sanB
    18 months ago

    If you rely on port numbers you can also use cosmos-server to manage your containers and add hostnames to your services to access them (that would be the reverse-proxy functionality of cosmos).

  • @Boring-Concert-3102B
    18 months ago

    Personal Dashboards are just that personal there are plenty of them out there dashy, homarr, heimdall

    I like flame https://github.com/pawelmalak/flame but thats just cause it suits my needs as others have said have a look at the awesome self hosted list and try some out.