I’ve been battling demons ever since this thing was announced. The eternal “I don’t need it” vs “I NEED IT”. I have a beefy PC that’s setup on a VRR 120hz tv in front of my bed, so I can easily game from my bed. I have a G Cloud AND a S22 Ultra with a controller to stream from my pc which works great. I don’t really game away from home or travel. WHY DID I BUY THIS?!??!

Well there’s a few reasons

  1. The Steam Deck ergonomics and feel The G Cloud is fine ergonomically. But the buttons and joystick just don’t feel great to use. Way too soft and mushy for my taste. And the s22 ultra is great but the screen is just a bit too small. So for local streaming the Steam Deck will be amazing

  2. Playing smaller games that are a “waste” on my PC Idk why but I always feel weird playing indie games and older games on my 4070 pc. Just feels like a waste of the 4070s power.

  3. Easy suspend and resume I play a lot before going to bed. I have streamlined the desktop experience as much as possible, but it still is a multi step process to shut everything down. With the Deck I can easily play and just close it down when I am about to fall asleep. And wake up and get right back to it with minimal hassle

  4. Trackpads! Gyro is such a pain in the a** to setup on PC, and I often just end up using sticks, which often aren’t great on pc since many games don’t have aim assist. Also for games that don’t have controller support or mainly use mouse (that’s YOU Potionomics!) this will be great.

  5. I am addicted to buying handheld tech That’s it. I have a problem. I spent all this week battling against my self justifications for this when I don’t need it AT ALL lol. Just recently sold my GPD Win 4 because it was just too uncomfortable.