Yes the line sucks. Half the league’s line sucks. Yes Howell holds on to the ball too long. He’s basically a rookie and EB is calling plays that take too long to develop. Yes the receivers aren’t getting open. EB has Howell throwing 40+ times each game. A good playcaller runs plays that maximize his current roster. We should be calling quick hitters, RPOs, and establishing the run with play action. The defenders can just peel their ears back and come for the qb. DCs can call blitzes knowing they have no threat of an effective counter attack. EB can mitigate our lack of talent but he chooses not to.

  • KronologicsB
    11 months ago

    Scott Turner used to do the same, which is why it’s disappointing. Too busy trying to show he can play call and have inventive play design, using long drawn out plays, instead actually winning and getting the best out of the team.

    The reason it’s frustrating is because we were hoping it’s what we already had. He’s more eloquent and might run better practices, but the on field product is equally bad. Now with less run game and less productivity to our (arguably great) receiving corps.

    • espinozastandupB
      11 months ago

      Could it be the players than, now that we’ve seen them with two and next year three coordinators?