Hey guys, been using the 80% limit on my 15 PM and it’s been really great as the battery lasts so long anyway. But I was wondering if it harms the battery any more to leave it plugged in at 80, or is it better to charge to 80 then unplug again? I use a slower charger - about 7w as I wfh and have a fast charger for emergencies but don’t like to fast charge unless needed.

As an aside here is my battery usage since 3:35am last night. From 80% I’m still at 26! And that’s also downloading the entirety of genshin impact’s game files, accidentally via VPN, so presumably would be longer again without those.

Main question again:

Is it better for the battery to leave it plugged in at 80, or is it better to charge to 80 then unplug again?