I didn’t start watching 90DF until the pandemic and I binged it while I worked from home, so now I’m rewatching everything and noticing and remembering things I hadn’t before. For some reason, I thought it was impossible to bring kids over with you on the K1 since so many parents have left their kids on this show, but rewatching, I’m noticing that a few people did bring a kid over with them. Is it up to the US government whether or not they can bring their kids or what?

  • TheGPSIsntWorkingB
    1 年前

    I think it’s a production thing as well as a co-parenting thing. If my ex was going on reality TV and leaving the country, I think I’d want to keep the children with me.

    I don’t understand leaving your small children to go spend weeks with a stranger in a foreign land. I get there are a lot of lonely people out there. I also get a lot of people want to be on TV. But leaving your children just seems so extreme. I’m mostly thinking of the recently widowed one with small children. Who leaves their children when they’ve just lost their father?