Hey folks! I’m trying to design a 1 watt guitar amp with quasi-complementary output, using a 12v supply. The quick sketch below is partly inspired by the Leak 30, as well as a book by Teemu Kyttälä on solid state amps, and some other reading. Not shown is the gm-compensated mirror on the preamp side.

My questions are as follows:

  • do you think 12v is adequate for this circuit?
  • is there anything that’s just plain wrong here? Yes, it looks crude/simple, though I’m mostly asking whether I’m going to fry something.
  • would it be worth my while adding a Zobel network at the output? I don’t mind some dampening if the ends are justified.

This is a small guitar amp I want to use in my apartment; No more than a single watt is required. And I’m looking for an American-style sound with good distortion at the higher end.

Thanks in advance :)