(Please Sunday can’t come sooner I’m legit tweaking and cringing while writing this feel free to flame)

Skill 1: The God of Demons Fekaar channels the Godkiller’s soul into his own body, He is able to summon and use the demonic sword 3 times with varying ranges and damage, if he executes an enemy he heals slowly to full.

Skill 2: Maiden of Iron Fekaar leaps into the sky and encloses his body of iron forged from demonic power knocking up all enemies around him as he gains immense durability and shield for a short duration.

Skill 3: Caretaker of the World Opens a dark portal from one plane to another, Fekaar uses his Undying Will to escape from danger, healing himself. He is invulnerable while traveling through the portals.

Ultimate: Bow of Corruption Fekaar in his Ultimate form, summons the Arrow of Retribution in his hands, transforming into a ranged demon with bonus omnivampl, while shooting a demonic chain that entangles enemies in his path, rooting them down. If Fekaar hits an ability on any of the enemies after 3 seconds, he deals bonus damage and heals for a portion of his health.

Passive: The Demon King Fekaar gains Undying Will as mana his resource. The more he deals/takes damage, the more bonus hp/armor/omnivamp he gains. This increases significantly the more enemies are around him. Fekaar is also immune to any executes as long as he is not CC’d.

(This is just for fun purposes, no way they gonna make a new champion if Faker wins. Right?)