A- Arsene Wenger

I will take the top voted ones and make a sheet by Sunday Afternoon

  • Meth_HardyB
    10 months ago

    A - Arsenal

    B - Bloody hell, it’s Arsenal

    C - Christ, it’s Arsenal

    D - Dammit, it’s Arsenal

    E - Ey bah gum, it’s Arsenal

    F - Fuck me, it’s Arsenal

    G - God’s teeth, it’s Arsenal

    H - Holy hell, it’s Arsenal

    I - I can’t believe it’s Arsenal

    J - Jumping Jamiroquai, it’s Arsenal

    K - Kidding aside, it’s Arsenal

    L - Living dangerously, it’s Arsenal

    M - My word, it’s Arsenal

    N - No lies, it’s Arsenal

    O - Oh my giddy aunt, it’s Arsenal

    P - Piss on a goat and call me Wilson, it’s Arsenal

    Q - Quite right, it’s Arsenal

    R - Really wish I hadn’t started this, it’s Arsenal

    S - Shiver me timbers, it’s Arsenal

    T - Troubling as it may be, it’s Arsenal

    U - Unbelievable Jeff, it’s Arsenal

    V - Very very very breaky breaky breaky bishi bishi, it’s Arsenal

    W - What was Wenger thinking bringing Walcott on that early, it’s Arsenal

    X - Xhaka approved, it’s Arsenal

    Y - You better believe it, it’s Arsenal

    Z - Zoinks Scoob, it’s Arsenal

  • CharguizoB
    10 months ago

    A - Ashburton Army or “ARSHAVIIIIN”

    B - Bukayo Saka

    C - Champions league participation trophy :) / Clock End

    D - Dennis Bergkamp

    E - (Foggin) Estandards

    F - FA Cup wins record holder

    G - Gooners

    H - Highbury

    I - Ian Wright

    J - Jack Wilshere

    K - Kanuuuuuu

    L - Louis Dunford

    M - Magic hat

    N - North Bank

    O - Ooh to Ooh to be Ooh to be a Goonah

    P - Professor Wenger

    Q - Football iQ (or something, wtf starts with Q)

    R - Robert Pires

    S - Stadium debt :)

    T - Thierry Henry

    U - Unbeaten season

    V - Vieira

    W - What do you think of Tottenham ?

    X - X-Chelsea players strategy :)

    Y - Youth development

    Z - Zwaytoomuchtimespentonthisfuckingredditpost