… on Jrue’s first game.

Allow me to explain.

There used to be a time when I’d get league pass and watch as much basketball as I could. I could’ve named every starting lineup and most bench players on every team. I was a hoops head to the fullest. As adult life became a thing, less time was spent watching.

Point being, I knew others teams’ players pretty well. Now I don’t.

When we got Jrue I watched some highlights on YouTube. I LOVED Bledsoe (before finding out he’s kind of a shit human being). I knew Jrue was an upgrade so I accepted it.

But then Jrue’s first regular season game with us happened. His handle was wonderful. His defense somehow better than the guy we had who made a few all defensive teams. All it took was one game for me to know. Jrue wasn’t just a bit better than Bled. He was a TON better.

Fast forward to last night. Same feeling. I love Jrue. Sad to see him go but knew we got an upgrade. I know Dame and his rep but I never saw him outside of when they played us. But then I saw his first regular season game with us and I saw he was a TON better.

His offensive game was amazing. The space he created for others is otherworldly. He’s much more than a shooter, he can drive like the best PGs to ever play this game. I still love Jrue but we just got one of the best PGs in the league to cure what has ailed us for years, the offensive side of the ball. He can be a one man offense. We haven’t seen this since Ray Allen and even he wasn’t this good.

Feels good to be a Bucks fan right now.

Also, lol to some on r/NBA to say “don’t get excited after one game”. He’s been doing this for 10 years now. Last night was closer to the norm than to an anomaly. So thrilled to have this dude here.