I get the reasons for concern. Our defence is maligned with injuries, our offence feels like a novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson, and we seem to have an issue finishing teams off. Either way, the team is 5-3 in a year with seemingly more parity across the league than in my immediate memory. The 2021 season had an inflection point when the team was 7-6, and who knows maybe last night was the 2023 version. The Bills have needs and they can be addressed by the FO without mortgaging the future. This may not be our year, but it also may be. As much as we all like to joke, the NFL isn’t actually scripted and anything can happen on any given Sunday. The better team doesn’t always win (see 13 seconds), but last night the better team won. The same goes for January and February. Enjoy the Victory Friday.

Onto the paper tigers.