It happened to me a couple nights ago for the first time after playing Overwatch for years. (I won’t get into it… but I’ll just say the last few games I played that night were epic and I played amazingly well)
I’ve never felt that way in my life before… especially while playing a video game… and no, I wasn’t “under the influence”, but it certainly felt that way. It felt like I was the best in the world at something (and something important… not like cup stacking or eating the most hotdogs), made it to the top, reached a level so high no one could even dream of reaching or being at, done something that no one has ever done before in the history of mankind, like I done something BIG, conquered the world… and I felt total peace, calmness, freedom, like I had nothing left to prove or do and could retire from Overwatch with no regrets or without missing it…
I felt exactly how Thanos would’ve felt after winning the war vs the Avengers gang and snapping his fingers and retiring on his farm… or like Zen while ulting.
The feeling lasted for around an hour. After that… I started thinking about… that feeling. How it happened… like, what was going on in my brain (chemical/hormones) to feel that way… and I figured… my conclusion =… one word… “evolution”. Not in terms of our brains… but OVERWATCH. How man started off with nothing… then perhaps played games with sticks and stones… then invented chess… then Pong, Donkey Kong, Mario Bros… fast forward to today and we are playing Overwatch. It’s like 1,000’s of years of evolution… a game made to entertain you as much as possible, to suck you in and make you addicted to it, to spend money on it… These games today (like GTA5 which many people STILL PLAY TODAY 10 YEARS LATER) are like absolute masterpieces which can get our hearts racing, give us adrenaline rushes, increase dopamine levels… all while sitting on our asses or while lying in bed. It’s really incredible. Imagine what games will be like in 1,000 years from now if we’re still around.
Only once in a masters level comp match where both teams started trash talking like crazy, like both teams probably spent more time typing than playing. We were inches from losing on Kings Row, I got off my main (Hog) and went Sigma and held cart long enough for my team to come back after they got wiped. We ended up winning and the end chat was glorious.