Despite having watched E3 for a long time I don’t remember it all, so I was getting that one meme of the guy jumping in the air and going “TWO” and I had completely forgotten it was for PEGGLE TWO of all things? Getting reminded of this made me wonder what the dumbest (not necessarily worst: dumb can be fun~) game reveals of all time were to everyone. I kinda remember specifically Battlefield: Hardline’s E3 reveal trailer being funny to me and my friends 'cause especially with the score it look as if they were doing such a big heist for a total of, like, 20 dollars. You guys got any dumb reveals or dumb reveal stories to share?

  • i010011010B
    10 months ago

    For me, it’s always going to be when the Wind Waker trailer came out.

    Nintendo had recently shown off the Spaceworld tech demo with Link clashing against Ganon

    That made its way online and the hype was huge for a new Zelda game after the N64. That demo suggested the Gamecube was going to bring us the kind of technology we only dreamed of. And when it came time to finally announce it…

    Can’t recall hopes ever being crushed that hard by a game reveal. Nintendo eventually made it up with the Twilight Princess reveal to huge applause.

    • RukiMotomiyaOPB
      10 months ago

      When I purchased Wind Waker back in the day, I hadn’t really watched E3 at all until then, so I ended up only finding out about the horrible reaction going past GameFAQs forums after the fact. I had just assumed it was beloved from the start with how much I enjoyed playing it (it was my 2nd favorite Zelda for a long time, third after I played Breath of the Wild but TBH if I go back and revisit it I might move it back up). It was a surprise seeing it was actually really controversial!