the thing that annoys me is that it was hardly a “player’s only meeting”. it was a bunch of dudes calling each other out and holding people accountable. in no way was this a structured meeting to talk shit about coaching (which is generally the reason for a players-only meeting). billy just gave them the floor to conflict-resolve the issues themselves which i respect.

“players only meeting” is so stigmatized and carries a negative connotation to locker room issues. if there’s any time to nip issues in the bud, why wouldn’t you be happy that they’re starting game one instead of waiting 40 games while zach and demar iso ball?

yall talk about not having any “dogs”, and how “we need pat bev to put these guys in line”. in my opinion, this shows we DO in fact have dogs. that our dudes ain’t just standing around looking sad after a loss, they’re pissed and they’re standing up for themselves. i see this as a potential positive identity shift.

whether or not it’ll lead to more wins is to be seen, but at the very least it’ll help us make the roster or break the roster. we can’t keep sitting on our hands.

  • BlondBadBoy69B
    11 months ago

    We got blown out by 20 at home on the first game of the year… find me a dog