I knew handy was always goated but realistically how much can you work on a 39 year old’s jumper? Or do you guys think he’s talking about the work LeBron put on his own?

  • Vegasguy3124B
    10 months ago

    An NBA player is obligated by contract to attend training camp, play pre-season games, play 82 games, then win 16 games in the playoffs. When the off-season comes around— players can take time off, recover, train. Some players need to recover from injury/surgery, others don’t touch a ball, some train. When the players play in the drew league it could be assumed they’re using that time to hone their skills. others run off and play with their countries for either Olympics, Worlds, etc. Reaves for example took off and played for America. yes, he gains experience, but his body 1. Isn’t recovering, 2. He isn’t honing his craft. Young guys like Reaves are building name recognition so training goes to the way-side. Guys like LeBron last off-season are resting then begin training with coaches like Handy. You can see the difference. Clearly LeBron was able to stay home, spend time with his recovering son and train. I’m sure there’s a spiritual aspect to it. But think rationally. Next year around this time everyone is going to complain about how LeBron shouldn’t have played in the Olympics because he’ll look old based off his statistics. Everyone needs to chill the fuck out and look at the big picture. This game is all about give and take.