So I’ve been in the crypto community for a good minute now, and I’ve been trying to get into blockchain development as a career full time. I’m starting a side project as I go, and was hoping for any advice on actually starting an exchange for nfts and staking and etc. I plan to mainly use sol at first. (I’m working on setting up my own validator as well.) I’m already digging through things like solplayground. etc. learning what all that has to offer still if anyone has any good tips.I suppose the core of what I’d like to do would be: -Create a Solana NFT and staking protocol. -id like it to unlock in stages based on consumer use of the platform and how it scales. So far I have 4 ish mapped out, but I’m thinking 12-15 by the time it’s said and done unless maybe I can cut it down to 10. -on site minting for upgrade nfts(more details on all that later)

  • staking sol and or (potentially) staking rewards on specific the upgrade nfts -possibly offer multiple coins and have each users account operate almost like a coinbasewallet or zerion or something. Store swap stake, as well as the main function being the nft market and the built in wallet(s) would just be a plus. All that I think should probably be up to consumer vote though tbh.)

In specific I’m looking for advice on: -coding langues/useful tools -decent websites and YouTube channels -what it takes to fully keep everything legal 😅 -how to make everything cross chain to chain (if I decide to open up to more coins than just sol, I’d like to maybe get a vote going on what coins to accept/offer outside of maybe eth but it’s gas is so high it’s sad. The goal is for the platform itself should “profit” enough itself to cover sol gas fees seeing as there already so cheap. ) -WHAT THE SOL COMMUNITY WOULD LIKE TO SEE FROM THIS PLATFORM -Questions comments concerns or ideas welcome.

  • maybeImLameOPB
    10 months ago

    So far I only have the first few layers prepped but they are as follows.

    L1: this will hold the core of the project. This will essentially be a simple onsite mint. I’m hoping to have an 8-bit game theme and potentially even an ARG in the background. In order to unlock L2, we will have to fill the first cell. This first cell slots 100 nfts. (Or the value of them I’m not sure entirely yet which way it will work) so that basically when you buy an NFT (Priced at 1.5 SOL), that SOL locks in the cell to be staked on chain. There won’t be a limit to how many you can buy, but round one I imagine I’ll probably have to buy a lot of if not all of the first round. However, the cells do two things. Unlock layers when all cells of a layer have been filled, and two, they stake all that for the NFT holders. I’m working out the details on how much I can offer for staking in general, but in the end I hope to see each NFT holders gets the staking rewards for 1 SOL as well as a bonus. (I plan to set a vote between .25 SOL/month or .1 SOL per week. The other .5 will be held in a separate staking pool for later rewards. This is only for stability through levels 1-4. Although currently I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to stake the SOL in each pool for anywhere between 5-7%, the consumer based pool should be able to pay the staking rewards out per NFT. The site based pool should pay the monthly/weekly bonus, as well as, become a validator of its own. (Also still figuring all that stuff out too. I don’t entirely understand every facet of Solana, but all I do at this point is learn to develop in this space). The pools themselves I don’t believe would be dipped into and the staking rewards that comes off that 100 staked SOL goes straight back into the people holding the NFTs, and the other part scales the network and provides a better safety net. And at the point the first cell is filled and the last NFT is minted it will start a timer for (some undetermined (as of yet) time probably 30-90 days or maybe 6 months. Either way I’d like the smaller pool to have enough staking reward built up to make the transition from 1-2 as well as 2-3 smoother due to what I’m hoping those layers can offer.

    That being said layer one is pretty cut and dry. Establish a core of the project. Build a stable enough pool to be able to rewards users of the platform more. Stake 150 SOL. unlock L2.

    Biggest mountains to climb: will this work at all? Who is going to mint these nfts to unlock level 2 if I don’t? Is the reward enough to gather, let alone satisfy, a consumer base? What will the community hope to see VS. what I want to see VS. what I am actually capable of with the limited knowledge I have? How do I promote and gather an audience or get people interested enough to even buy in in the first place? Can’t have a vote without a decent base of consumers.