Rell’s engage is rather overtuned and should be adjusted. The ability to Flash W in and guarantee it lands, thanks to your ult pulling and trapping them onto you, and the ability to speed boost into the enemy’s face and just Q them to guarantee a long CC combo is unfair. The problem with the champion is that all the CC is guaranteed against enemies without tenacity. I’m not saying to nerf the champion number-wise, but to make her CC lockdown less potent.

Additionally, Rell jungle should not exist and makes no sense why it’s a thing. The constant buffs and weird add-ons to her kit for the jungle are just making her kit overloaded and indirectly buffing support. I don’t know why Riot wants Rell to be a jungler, but it’s making high elo and Worlds so lame. Overall, this champion’s kit is way too easy to execute now, to the point where her engages are game-changing in every single game.

  • TolucaPrisonerB
    10 months ago

    I like it personally. Would you rather have people play hypercarries with enchanters and kill you from other side of your screen?