Blackbeard has been always been difficult operator to balance, since his shield simply provides either too little or too much value. Finding the perfect sweet spot of damage would probably require either too much testing and be a bizarre number (like 87 or something), so a rework is probably needed. Unfortunately, a lot of rework ideas tend to infringe on either Osa’s or Capitao’s design space. However, there is an idea that is thematic to his name, can be adjusted, and carves out a unique niche.

Since Blackbeard (the real one) was a pirate, this name evokes a cannonball motif. Therefore, I propose that Blackbeard gains an underbarrel launcher that can fire out “cannonballs”. This “cannonball” would deal 142 damage to players at the very center, while still providing decent damage at the edges. Now, since there are a lot of explosive launchers already, I think these explosives should have a unique “fuse” mechanic. Blackbeard can then “charge up” the fuse while in the launcher to reduce the fuse, making it harder to get out of the way of the explosive radius. This would provide a unique gameplay mechanic that is different from other characters like Zofia and Capitao, since the damage would be higher and apply instantly. There might also be some advanced mechanics with floors and walls, though this would be balanced by the risk of the Blackbeard player blowing himself up.

While this ability does seem strong, it would interact with a few different operators on either side. Jager and Wamai would be able to catch the cannonballs, and characters like Sledge and Buck could open up holes to launch them through. Rook’s armor would also provide a guaranteed DBNO, allowing for a pickup. Overall, I think this would be a risky but useful piece of utility that gives Blackbeard some sorely needed uniqueness and strength.