Hola, as subject states, we are seeking experience of those who have gone to Spain on the NLV in Spain. We would love feedback of those with young families, but not required. For reference, we are a youngish family in our 30s with soon to be 4 kids 9&under.

We are struggling with the thought of leaving good jobs to going “jobless”. I quote, bc I know you can technically do side jobs but aren’t supposed to, so we would be jobless. This our biggest concern of ours.

I will be on 18month Mat leave and my husband would take a sabbatical. We have the opportunity to have (apart from 1 parent) dual Spanish citizenship with this stay; which is the main driver, specifically for the kiddos.

So with that in mind, how was your experience? Worth it? You’d do it again, if you could? Worst ever? Struggled when returning home? Struggled financially more than you thought? Ended up saving more than you thought?

I’d love to hear it all.