I’ll be getting the Macbook Pro M3 in a few weeks and am unsure how much storage I should get. I’m a graphic/web designer and photographer, so I have a lot of images and Adobe files (Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom).

My current Macbook is 1TB and I have 350GB available, but my photos library is about 450GB so I have to keep that on an external drive. I want my new computer to have enough storage so that I can keep everything on my computer.

I’ve had my current Macbook since mid-2015, so I’d like to have this next one for as long as possible too. For longevity purposes I was originally thinking 4TB, but now I’m wondering if I’m overestimating how much storage I’d need and I should just get the 2TB. Currently I’m using about 1.25T of storage, so is 2TB too small if considering longevity? (3TB would be the sweet spot but that’s not offered.) Thanks!