Every patch there are bullshit S tier heroes, I don’t even hate this patch but it’s just been going for too long. Imo though Antimage, Spectre and Tinker make for the most stressful Dota games if they’re over buffed. Tinker especially getting perma hexed and him spamming pewpewpew as you get lasered to death

  • ServesYouRiceB
    10 months ago

    Any meta in which players can finish in first 15 mins. Arc, Tinker, Husk, Alch,… or heroes that cant be outfought that puts you on a timer like PL, PA, AM, Ursa, Morph, Naga,…

    I especially hate playing against Alch, AM and Morph tho, first 2 because of timers and Morph because it is usually some smurf on it.