
hope I dont sound ignorant, but I was never really into understanding physics or history of music. I love music, have multiple audio devices, really enjoy them, but I just cant describe all the fancy terms around it (frequencies, ohms whatever). Same for classics, I am 4 times per year at opera / concert, but I know nothing about history, perhaps I remember who wrote La Boheme and Turandot and can name couple of my favourite Chopin/Tchaikovski pieces, you get my point. Pure enjoyer.

Now, I have Audeze LCD-X (the older revision) connected to Schiit Modi Multibit -> Loki Mini -> Vali 2 . Read some theories and can confirm, they feel better when EQd. For that I am using Audeze Reveal plugin for Foobar, WET (full EQ preset), sounds better with it.

I want to EQ these cans with HW instead (to EQ different sources than Foobar, like youtube).

What should I simply do with my Loki to get close as possible to Reveal preset or famous Oratory EQ? Will Loki 4 bands be enough? (I dont want the bigger schiit amp, loki looks nice with my setup).

Loki’s possibilities are:

Measured: https://www.superbestaudiofriends.org/index.php?threads/schiit-loki-eq-measurements.5153/

Specs: 20Hz (±12dB), 400Hz (±6dB), 2kHz (±6 dB), 20kHz (±12dB)

Reading different peoples EQ, Oratory preset, there are just too more bands to EQ for Loki, or will I be able to do it? How? :)

(I did something like +1/3 20Hz knob, sometimes I add more, +1/3 2Khz knob… Hurts me already to analyze and compare, I would rather sell the LCD-X and buy something that is ready to go from production :D )

Much thanks!!