I am but a lowly peasant. Not of the mechanical trade. I own a trusty 2013 Toyota Tacoma. She has served me well but recently, the driver side door lock would not electronically function so I would have to lock it manually and lock the rest of the doors electronically. After a mighty battle, taking the door apart, taking the actuator/door lock thing apart, replacing the actuator motor and finally putting everything back together, my spirits where lifted as I anticipated success. Disaster struck as for some reason my beloved Tacoma is rebelling against me. The door will now lock and unlock electronically but for some reason it is opposite of all the other doors. In other words, when the drivers side door locks, the remaining three doors unlock and vice versa. I have taken everything apart and put it back together multiple times trying to figure out how to remedy this issue. After many hours of trouble shooting, I am at a loss. Me and my Tacoma have also gone to couples counseling, we have started dating again, even with all these attempts to rekindle the love we once had she still seems to flip the bird to me every time I try to lock her up. Please help.