Gonna be at the game in Cleveland, kinda scared as to what I got myself into. Just looking for some decent like minded fans maybe to hang with? I’m ready for the verbal harassment but trying to avoid getting food/beer thrown at me
Gonna be at the game in Cleveland, kinda scared as to what I got myself into. Just looking for some decent like minded fans maybe to hang with? I’m ready for the verbal harassment but trying to avoid getting food/beer thrown at me
I’ve been going to Steeler games in Cleveland since ‘75 and have never had a physical altercation. I’ve heard it all and let it roll off my back like water off a ducks ass. I don’t rub it in when we win and take it in stride when we lose. Most of the fights I’ve ever seen in Cleveland is amongst their own fans. No one should ever be afraid to go to any sporting event but remember it’s only a sporting event. As long as no one lays hands on you let it go. I had this older lady cuss me up and down after we won and her poor son kept apologizing to me for her and I said let her go she’s hurting no one. Lots of Browns fans came up to me and commented how I handled her and I said it’s just a game and their only words. There are also plenty of local police in the area to keep things civil. Wear your Steelers gear and have fun.