I jumped on the wagon in 2016.

I remember vividly that day in New York. It was the best Bo5 ever. ROX matched us blow by blow. The Miss Fortune pick wowed by everyone in the venue. The amazing, peak carry Peanut 2v4. The unbelievable Ashe arrow. The artistic Orianna escape, with just the Ghost. The Jungle’s doubted first, but glorious Nidalee… And then the nail biting rush to the Baron pit, where our Cloud Dragons accelerated us just that much more, enough to edge them out in Game 5.

I remember that Summer in Rio. Peanut now stood on our side, wreaking havoc on the same lethal Lee Sin. Huni solidified his name. Wolf flash-rooted three to demand acknowledgment. We came in as the undisputed King. And the tournament was, indeed, just a competition to find Number Two, for everyone else…

You probably forget. People complained it was boring, since we always won. International teams were scared of facing us. Our name had that unique weight, still to this day. SKTelecom. T1.

We were ruling.

Then we became the biggest villains. We still came back from a 10k gold lead, with a wombo combo that should never have existed, that was out of this world, because it was too perfect. We should have fallen short to the rebellious bunnies, but we still cruelly shut them down. We denied what China, and Uzi, should have achieved a year earlier, in their home soil. It felt ironically like a fallen kingdom, with an Emperor in his most powerful iron fist. Oh Faker, you were on your very peak with that Galio!

Then it all turned blurry in my memory. We were taken down. A dynasty ended.

It has been 6 years. 6 years of learning.

We hit rock bottom. I saw your tears. Twice. Right after that Finals, and in your heart wrenching interview some months later. We learned the hardship of life.

We assembled the legends to bring back the glory, just to fall short to Europe. We learned to take the humiliation we used to cause to others. Twice.

We rebuilt with a new generation of incredible talents and thought we got it all back last year. But we learned to humble ourselves. Twice.

We started to take more and more hits. Our trust was challenged harder and harder with every single step.

6 years ago, they didn’t want us to always win. 6 years later, they don’t want us to win even once.

6 years ago, we were cunning and cold-hearted, looking down while crushing hopes and dreams with sheer power, just to crumble at the end. 6 years later, we stand straight, looking up with scars and bruises in a burning desire to prove ourselves for once. We are now representing hopes and dreams.

The time is here.

Zeus. Oner. Guma. Keria. I want to smile in your victory! Let’s win!

T1. Faker. I am ready to cry with you!

Let’s win!

  • SurrealJayB
    10 months ago

    I hate creative writing exercises that try to be funny…, and how popular they are specifically on this sub