UPS was scheduled for delivery today. My dog altered me of the truck, and I went out to see as I’m clearly a child on Christmas morning. I hear rummaging around in the truck and after a couple minutes the driver emerges from the back, into the cab, and closes the door behind him. He’s doing some tapping on his iPad thing and notices me.

I ask, “hey bro, got something for me?” He says, “I’m supposed to, but I couldn’t find it back there right now. I’ll circle back later.” I say alright, and now, hours later, the tracking page shows that the package has been delayed, for delivery Monday. Sad!

  • f2pmyassB
    10 months ago

    Made a comment about people ordering the Steam Deck Oled or new buyers of the Steam Deck.

    There’s like somewhat high theft for these Steam decks because the Steam Decks ship in the same literal box it’s made. It’s the box that has a label that says what it is with a valve logo and your address and from there is the literal steam deck in the case. It’s very easy to steal these as from what I remember last year at this same time of the year, many peoples steam decks were stolen.

    I’m not trying to give you a negative thought but that’s lowkey a red flag.

    • tinabeana77B
      10 months ago

      I hate that valve ships them in a box that says what it is. Send it in a junk box and then have the box within say your deck is here lol.

    • camdameraOPB
      10 months ago

      Honestly should have thought of that!

  • tinabeana77B
    10 months ago

    ughhhhhh I hope he found it! just out of curiosity; where are you located? also, keep us posted tomorrow, or when you receive it! hoping for the best for you!

  • The_Legend_of_XenoB
    10 months ago

    This is exactly what happened with my OG Deck. FedEx driver stopped in front of my house for 2 mins, messed around in the back, and then sat back down and drove off. There’s only one way in/out of my neighborhood, so I went outside and waited for him to come back. I flagged him down, and told him he had a package for me. He said, “It’s not on the truck.” I asked if he could pull over and check again, because I’ve been waiting on this package for over a year.

    He stopped back in front of my house. It took me almost a minute to catch back up to him after he stopped. I walked around the front of the truck, and could see him in the back just looking at his phone. I could also see the truck was nearly empty. This was around 7:30PM, so there weren’t even 6 boxes left on this guy’s truck. I tell him my name and address again, and that the box is a long flat rectangle, basically shaped like a keyboard. He picks up one big square box, looks at the label, and sets it back on the shelf. Then he picks up a second smaller box, looks at the label, and puts it back on the shelf. Before he set it down, I recognized the little black logos along the side and said, “That’s it.” He picks it back up and just hands it to me, without even checking the label again. The box was also on the top of the shelf, right behind his seat. To the point that he could have grabbed it without even getting up. There’s no way he missed it TWICE, on a near empty truck, and once with a detailed description of the size of it. He 100% was trying to steal it. If I had climbed on his truck to look for it myself, I would have found it in two seconds. And I watched this guy look at the label right in front of me, and try to put it back like it wasn’t my box. He would have gotten away with it if not for the companion cube logos and such.

    I’m 40 years old. I order shit online all the time. I get 2-3 boxes a week. That’s the only time in my life I’ve ever had a driver be unable to “find” my package. And it just so happened to be a clearly labeled box, that was going “missing” from trucks everywhere, whose contents were selling on Ebay for over $1000. It’s too much to be a coincidence.

  • ifuckedyourmother420B
    10 months ago

    You must have gotten in while the order system was still spazzing out. I got my order in 24 minutes after they opened up (tried to check out at :01 but ran into issues) and scheduled for Tuesday delivery.