I seriously don’t get it. Sure we lost brucey buckets but CBD, swatson, and zeke (nickname pending) all look like perfect fits for a nuggets playoff rotation. Maybe they won’t reach their potential this year but trading away solid young talent from a team where every starter is 30 or younger doesn’t make sense.

The nuggets are a well oiled machine of basketball. You can’t just toss in a random player mid season and expect it to work. Especially not one that we can get with the assets and contracts Booth has to work with.

The goal isn’t to win a championship this year. It’s to win this year, and the next year, and the year after that, and so on until jokic retires.

Relax and enjoy the golden age of Denver basketball

  • entyfreshB
    10 months ago

    Wouldn’t be a regular season without fans kneejerking about the team not being good enough