• KaquillarB
    1 年前

    As a huge hots fan, I’m taking it with a grain of salt.

    There’s literally no info about the team/person doing this, however, most likely it’s hots>D4>hots guys again.

    Hots 2.0 essentially killed any reasons for players to pay, as it was too generous towards players. Creating a new payment system or battlepass will require tons of additional content = significant amount of work = allocating a lot of resources.

    Most probably they are patching old bugs and stuff for steam release. Hots won’t bring them money by itself, but it can create a positive hype, this ign article is literally proof of that.

    Add the return of Metzen and possibly a good WoW future for at least a few more years, and I’m already seeing something like “Maybe spirit if the old blizz is still there yet”-articles in a year or two.

    Especially since Microsoft needs blizz to ramp up those sales across all their titles, as the price for the deal was absurdly enormous. I’ve read that it’ll take something like 40+ years with the acti-blizz combined sales-level of the last 2-3 years just to return those 68b.

    So naturally, D4 doesn’t need that many ppl now, O2 is stagnant, they probably have some ppl to spare for a limited amount of time. You can patch your last ACTUALLY good game to become a bit better, get some positive hype, and it’ll go a long way in the future.