Do you guys think League of Legends esports improve overall gamesense? Especially for a newer player like myself
As a newer player, absolutely not. Your knowledge isn’t big enough to understand most of the decisions they’re making. If you are watching things like vod reviews were experts are going over players/decisions and explaining them in detail (impossible to do in a live-cast), you might get some useful info.
But watching proplay gets you quite a bit of gamesense if you have a decent base-knowledge beforehand.
If you’re a newer player you won’t understand what they’re doing and why they’re doing it
i think it’ll happen if you watch long enough
I find myself knowing more meta matchups and more importantly how theyre suppose to be played
Also basic macro around the map
it teaches u a lot about macro. but micro, u really need to be actively looking for specific things. like where does he go from this camp, which way does she dash after firing cc, whens whos the best target to go for, etc. I’ve watched thousands hours of pros and I’m fucking terrible. but, humbly, my macro sense is excellent