And T1 reach match point, after flexing their muscles with their champ pool and priorities, WBG look very one dimensional and T1 are picking them apart.

Top/jungle and support canyon is massive, maybe stop blindpicking Aatrox or anything for your top laner when you’re going to get countered and slammed?

WBG (0-2) // -------- // ⁠T1 (2-0)
TheShy (Aatrox) // Top // Zeus (Gwen)
WeiWei (Maokai) // Jungle // Oner (Nocturne)
Xiaohu (Ahri) // Middle // Faker (Sylas)
Light (Kalista) // Bottom // Gumayusi (Draven)
Crisp (Senna) // Support // Keria (Renata Glasc)
  • ChapterLiamB
    10 months ago

    oner has grown so fucking much. maybe mvp tbqh which is saying a lot. i hope they close out game 3 in another beautiful stomp