It usually takes me less than 1 minute to notice if my Carry is a frustrated Supportplayer or not.

Very often, if my Carry picks Void, Phantom Assassin, Jugger for Carry, he is 100% a support in a 3 game losing streak.

From this day and until the day I’m alive, I will never play position 5 again.

Pos 1 is my calling.

I won’t be there for you.

I won’t pressure the enemy pos 4 @ 1:30 so that I’m able to stack, I’ll hit creeps

I won’t smoke us in base, put up nice wards before enemies arrive, I’ll be afk till the waves meet and tp to lane

I will ping tangoes, even if I have 4 left

I will TP to mid to farm there, when my mid is ganking, f**k his farm

I will ping my support minute 6:00 to buy me ward and salve

I will use gates to farm enemy jungle, when they hit tier 3 towers minute 20

I will farm stacked ancients from my Bristle/Sven/Tide/Axe

If you are chainstunned, I will watch u die and chat ‘N00B L2P’

I will be trading my life for nothing, but your’s for sure, even for a lasthit

I will tell you to go to the wisdom rune, and die solo on lane and then proceed screaming in voice chat ‘Where Support??’

I will eat lotuses even full HP/Mana

If the lane doesn’t go well, I will blame you, not my terrible last hitting Skills or my incompetent lane equlibrium-techniques

I will buy Midas Battlefury every game

I will be playing jungle for 40 Minutes

I will call out my supports for everything that goes wrong and ping you when you die

I won’t be there for you

If you throw games, I will report you again and leave you comments on your steam profile

I will take my frustrations into the next game and punish you for something my previous teammate did

Alone I will be carrying my Baboon Teammates!

  • reignfire4everB
    1 年前

    Exactly the last “carry” AM in my team that complained that he dont have two supports in his lane so that he can gank, last hit, or kill on the firsf 5 minutes of the game. Died 9 times with no kills for the first 10mins. And farmed the entire 45 mins in the hidden camps although our ancient is being gangbanged.

    Plot twist: I, the POS 4 SB, was forced to do the POS 3 and 4, and carried my team to victory, 4v5 the entire game.