I mean, what the title says. Publishers, Funders; budget for programming and stop blowing your ridiculous wads on graphics and presentation. AAA, I’m tired of these movie-ass games. Give me knobs to fiddle. Give me buttons to push! Give me knobs to fiddle while pushing buttons and give me buttons to push while fiddling knobs. Give me playgrounds to knob and button.

  • LeshawkcomicsB
    10 months ago

    No ones forcing you to buy a game who’s gameplay you don’t vibe with. There’s a ton of games that are more sandboxy than linear, so don’t take it out on the linear.

    If you think every gamer who enjoys games with story, even if they’re not 100 hour bethesda/ubisoft open worlds is a dog who only wants to do what they’re told, perhaps it’s not the existence of those games that’s the problem, but you yourself who can’t get out of the mindset.

    Some people enjoy the Arkham Asylum Games, some people enjoy the Dark Souls Games.

    Just because people who like one are talking about it doesn’t mean developers arent constantly working on making more games like the other.

    Maybe the one you don’t vibe with isn’t for you, and that’s okay.

    • MoistFloppyOPB
      10 months ago

      I see your point but that’s not what I’m talking about at all. I want new mechanics. I want games to feel different. Gameplay to evolve. I want my fiddling of knobs and pressing of buttons to be something other than things like: timed button presses, the vast majority of 1st/3rd person shooters out there, the vast majority of fighting games that more or less play the same, even racing/driving games had more variety in the past. Genres just smear into similar loops.

      Make the pressing of buttons and fiddling of knobs do different things. Make it so I knob and button in different combinations. Do something, anything. Because I’m not spending my money on games that copycat their knobs and buttons from one another any longer. That’s what I am talking about.

  • SmallcleoB
    10 months ago

    The cat style is more my way of thinking with games, I like the freedom rather than constant instructions lol

  • anonymousredditorPCB
    10 months ago

    100% agree

    I’ll add that I also want challenge, I often lose interest when the game is just too easy.

    I remember the old days with Perfect Dark and TimeSplitters where you had a “challenge” section that was so fun, you were determined to finishing them.

  • Apellio7B
    10 months ago


    There are so many games out now where I am bored not even 2 hours in.

    They treat every single game like it’s baby’s first video game and hand hold you and tell you what to do and if you take too long solving a puzzle they throw hints at you.

    Just dump me in the world and allow me to figure shit out on my own. Create a separate tutorial for the slow ones.

    At least there’s still games like Persona and Elden Ring. Where you’ll get half of the things wrong on your first run, then you can improve and become more efficient on your next runs.