I am back a couple seasons. I’m where her exhusband is coming to stay any day, But man all of her first season she’s so controlling and it seems any time Bini even smiles she instantly ruins any mood. He can’t even hold his baby or have fun with him without her instantly coming and demanding it over and over. She acts like the baby is hers and only hers and he has zero rights. Is that even his baby? She doesn’t act like it in any way. Bini is really dark skinned and the baby is not in any way.

Now her ex is coming and she’s acting so smug and happy like a school girl with a crush. It’s just depressing. She literally cuts her fiancée off mid sentence to say very loudly she loves her ex.

If she’s not crying all the time then it’s just this entitled/spoiled face. It’s gotten to where anytime I see her face she just looks like a gargoyle to me. Specifically Lexington from Disney’s Gargoyles

Sorry for the rant

  • Sufficient_Ice_6236OPB
    10 months ago

    I forgot to mention, I’m a single father and that’s partly why it gets under my skin so much.