This is a light hearted questions tbh just curious what people think.

Imo, while doom & ball players can be 50:50, I think lucio players are the worst offenders. For every 15 bad lucio players there’s 1 decent one.

Until you hit the upper ranks of GM most lucio players basically provide 0 value via their kit, or via kills on isolated targets. They either heal too much, speed to much, speed no one, speed at the wrong time, waste beat.

I think he’s such a high skill ceiling character mechanically, but also since speed boost’s benefit is much less obvious than anti or suzu, he requires immense amounts of gamesense, that most players just don’t have.

  • Jason_WolfeB
    10 months ago


    A good Sombra is Hell to any hero even remotely debilitated by ability loss, or heroes that tunnel vision down their scope from 30 miles away (Widowmaker, Ana, etc.).

    Meanwhile a bad sombra feeds ult charge to the whole fucking enemy team and actively drags down their own team by being a DPS loss.