I’m starting to realize that to get rich, one needs to hang out with rich people but I’m not sure where to meet them. The only places I can think of are Silicon Valley and New York (no I don’t know where in New York they are).
Why have rich friends?
- If they didn’t make the money themselves, they at least know people who did can learn from them
- They’re the ideal customer because they can pay more for the same product
Go to school with them and become genuine friends with them in a setting where money doesn’t matter. Its happens before adulthood in some instances. Source: my education.
This is not how to get rich.
Short of inheriting, getting rich slow from real estate and stocks, you’re better off parlaying your most stand out skills and interests, and applying them to something scalable that you can turn into a business.
Become genuinely successful and successful people attract to you naturally.
Wealth follows.
Your best option is probably going to business school. You’ll meet a lot of wealthy, soon to be wealthy (finance type), and super wealthy (international students). Make sure you go to a top school and don’t try too hard.
Your other option is to adopt a rich person hobby which is social. My suggestion is sailing, a membership can be pretty cheap, and once you know how to do it you can crew on other people’s boats. Those people are rich.
But above all, whatever you do, don’t try and pull a fast one on your new found rich friends. We have an eye for anyone who is trying to part us from our cash, and most of us aren’t mugs. Be a friend first, that’s more important.
And finally, fuck, why do you need to know rich people increase your financial position? All the knowledge you’ll ever need is online, accessible for free.
Your desperation reeks
Ok it was a bit cringe I admit
Sailing, volunteer to be a extra hand with some yacht club
You first need to learn a skill. Then you need to offer it to people. When these people realise you bring value to the table they’d want you around. Everything else is cyclical.
Trade shows in international cities
Forget Silicon Valley and NY- check out Bosnia and Herzegovina; that’s where my rich friend lives