Passive - AOE Lux Passive, that triggers off of skills.

Innate, When pressing one of Q, W or E, Hwei gains access to a new set of abilities, that share a cooldown. So Q>Q is different from Q>W, and you can cast QQ > WQ > EQ in a short time, but QQ and QW share a cooldown.

QQ - Karma empowered Q.

QW - Xerath W.

QE - Vel’koz W.

WQ - Old Galio E (the one with the MS buff).

WW - static Milio W with shields instead of heals.

WE - self-cast Nami E.

EQ - skillshot Fiddle Q.

EW - old Swain W (aoe root).

EE - Sett E on a target location.

R - mini Nunu R, that moves with an enemy.

  • KadexeB
    1 year ago

    A lot of people here don’t know that Invoker got a rework and doesn’t have 27 spells anymore. It’s the same number as Hwei now but each spell still requires 3 button presses.