Hey guys, today I’ll be showing you guys how to time stasis based on the animation of hourglass, instead of trying to count to 2.5 in your head or feel it out, as in the heat of the moment, it’s easy to miscalculate.

As usual, you can find a link to the video version below, as well as a link to all the other guides.

Zhonyas/stopwatch/bard ult all share the same animation. You go golden for 2.5 seconds and then you reanimate. Timing the ending of the stasis is important for landing skillshots, stuns, etc on your enemy. It’s actually quite easy. When the stasis is about to run out, golden sparkles start forming around the character model. Then at the last moment they all gather to the center of the character model, and the statis ends.

This is the key to the timing. Wait until the golden sparkles all gather, and then launch your skillshot. You’ll time it perfectly every single time. Note that if you’re far away, you need to adjust the timing, but for the most part, timing it as the sparkles gather in the center will land your abilities every time.

You can find the video version here, as well as all the other guides here.

  • LilTempoB
    10 months ago

    Nice small detail thanks for taking the time to explain