I made a post saying that I was happy with my LCD Deck, which I am. But it seems like everywhere I look all I see is the OLED is a must have, must upgrade, best thing ever since sliced bread. Add to that my cousin who said wanted to get a pc, but he fell in love with the Deck one time he came over to my place, even more when I told him he could hook it up to a tv or monitor and use it like a PC, use m/kb, play emulators, etc I explained the whole thing. Anyway my uncle said he’d buy my deck if I was interested in selling it. Not satisfied with that, life throws me another curveball with my job announcing I’m getting my bonus early, on thanksgiving instead of Christmas like every year. I swear, Lord Gabe is testing me, and I am weak…

  • Leberkas3000B
    10 个月前

    You should give it to ya cousin for free. This way, you earn enough karma points to justify your upgrade.