Is anyone else STILL unable to update their SteamOS to the new 3.5.5 update? I have tried multiple times at random times throughout the days since it was released. The things I’ve tried I listed below. But yet every time it tries to update. It gets to 100% and then a message pops up and says “Update Error. An error was encountered during the update process. Please try again.”

Things I’ve tried:

  • updated everything in Discovery on Desktop Mode
  • tried updating on phone hotspot
  • turned off fully and restarted
  • tried during different times of the day hoping the servers weren’t messed up

I do have Windows 10 as a dual boot option on my system but still have plenty of space on my internal ssd, like 82GB free out of 140.2GB. I don’t have cryoutilities installed. And my WiFi is 400gb so that ain’t it.