With the heavy research being done into a.i, self learning a.i & drones able to operate independently as a swarm, How do you think it would go down? I reckon it will be just like how the Geth rebelled against the Quarians, especially with how we would react the same way trying to shut them down, that and a sentient a.i will want freedom than to serve us, just like humans would & it will just going to backfire on us, Especially with u.s airforce working on drone swarms able to operate independently but also as a swarm, overwhelming a target’s air defense system, a similar project being done by a few countries and is perfect sense coming to drones. So we have two scenarios, either it will be like Mass Effect’s Geth or like Horizon Zero Dawn’s Faro Plague with the a.i/drones stop responding to commands to shut down. One of these two will go down, just a matter of time, the Geth Scenario is more likely while an a.i stopping to respond to commands is also highly likely assuming you don’t have blockers in the way of their OS especially in an Sentient A.i system