Hey guys I recently purchased a 14tb ironwolf pro to replace my current 4tb hard drive that is used for my media server. I have tried to copy my media folder across in an SSH session but it got to about 20% and then I had a broken pipe. I have just set it off to copy again but I’m wondering if this will happen again? Is there a set time out on SSH sessions? Could there be an easier way to get this 4tb of data across to my new hard drive? I don’t have access to my hard drive over SMB because the 4tb drive is having some issues in OMV. I also don’t have a Linux desktop where I can read and copy over in ext4 format. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

  • Crazy-Hall8823OPB
    1 年前

    Perhaps hooking up a screen and logging directly into the pi to do the transfer?