As an example, the second interception by Goff was a direct result of the Bears defensive lineman tipping the pass and altering its direction. Craig Reynolds fumble was created by a well placed shoulder to the elbow on the Kick Return. Fields made some cuts that made our defensive players look silly, reminiscent of a certain running back that once donned Honolulu Blue and Silver.

It wasn’t a great game by our Offense, or Defense for that matter by any means, but guys and gals, this is the NFL, those players across from our guys are getting paid to make plays just like our guys are. Here is the thing though, when it really mattered, a play HAD to me made, OUR guys made them. Goff became his unflappable self in the last 5 minutes. moving the ball down the field, taking what the defense gave him, hitting Jamo on deep ball for a TD, the defense got a 3 and out when Fields couldn’t hit an open receiver on a kill shot type of pass. And Goff got them down field again and the Oline cleared out the Bears Dline for DMo to put the dagger in their hearts. And to top if off, Hutch with the strip of Fields forcing a Bears safety to put the game to rest.

So let’s credit Chicago with having a solid game plan, making some good plays of their own. But in the end, it was Detroit"s grit and resilience that shined through and the Lions win a game they probably should have lost.