After T1’s win against WBG in the final Gumayusi turned on the livestream to communicate with his fans. Here is the stream translation word for word.

Yeah I had a bit to drink. *laughs* After we won the championship we had dinner together and I drank a little more than expected. Not completely drunk but right now I am mentally sound.

I wasn’t planning on doing another livestream this time but I did it last year and I thought fans would be waiting for me again so I did it out of courtsey.

In retrospect I shouldn’t have livestreamed after being the runner up last year, I honestly wasn’t in the right state of mind. *laughs* If we are still the runner-up this year, I wouldn’t be able to start this stream. Thanks everyone, T1 really won the World Championship! This moment still feels surreal, but once the skins come out maybe it’ll feel more real.

People who have seen the interview should know that I chose Jinx for my skin. I know my Varus created a lot of iconic moments these past two years, but I originally liked Jinx more. Also Jinx would be the more popular choice for the public. My criteria for choosing skins is that I want to choose a champ no one has picked before, a champs that I like, one of my signature champs, a popular champ, and a champ that is popular with the public.

Varus and Jinx have no skins, and Jinx has recently gotten buffs in the recent patch. If I win another world championship I will choose Varus. To be honest, I also like Jhin and Caitlyn alot. But Bang has Jhin and Deft has a Caitlyn skin each; There are not that many options left. Keria seems very sad because there are no options he likes and has to choose between Bard and Renata. Keria originally liked Thresh and Lux ​​the most, and he seemed to really want the Lux skin. If we went to the blue side, we might choose the Caitlyn Lux once, but we were on the red side for three consecutive games and won 3-0.

Topside played very well today and because of that we were able to win smoothly. Botside played very well in the first game and we were able to get prio and obtain dragon and Rift Herald early. In the second game, I made a mistake in lane trading level 1 and it was looking difficult, bt I was able recover and play well in the mid game to win. In the third game I think as bot lane we were able to contribute pretty evenly.

A part of why Zeus is able to perform so well is because we were able to get bottom picks early and give him counterpicks. Congratulations to Zeus for winning the FMVP. *Claps* I think that topside was really deserving of FMVP. Oner played really well, and Faker did amazing as well. But I still thought it should be Zeus. It doesn’t matter who wins FMVP this year, but it would still be great if there is a Prestige Jinx skin. But whoever wins FMVP is fine, as long as we win the championship. Last year’s finals were honestly very difficult, and I thought in the back of my mid if we won the championship, I might get FMVP. I thought about it this way last year, hahahahahaha, this is my FMVP angle. This year, I thought it doesn’t matter who wins the FMVP as long as we win.

I originally thought I would cry if I won the championship, and I got choked up when I gave my winning speech. But I won’t shed tears easily because I’m not the kind of person with many tears in the first place. The moment we won the championship, Keria cried a little and I’m pretty sure Faker was also a little choked up. I wanted to cry happily, but I didn’t. Before going to bed, I often simulate the scene of winning the championship, thinking that if I want to cry, I will cry like this, just like this. *mimics holding two fingers over his eyes* Although I don’t cry often, I do cover my eyes or mouth when I cry because I don’t want others to see me cry. When I cry I tend to laugh a little while I cry because I’m speechless while thinking about why I am crying.

I really simulated it many times. Last night, the day before the finals, I didn’t sleep at all. I got off work at about 3 a.m in order to manage my state, but I stayed awake until 12 o’clock and didn’t sleep at all. I was worrying about what would happen if my playing condition as a result. I just closed my eyes and lay on the bed not sleeping, because I had so many thoughts and worries running through my head. Maybe it’s because of nervousness, I don’t know why. I always have nightmares the day before MSI games, dreaming that I had lost the game, but I have never had such a nightmare this worlds. As a result, I had a nightmare the day before yesterday. The scene in the dream was that I came home and played with my puppy as a result of losing the final. In the dream I told my family that it was a pity but there was nothing I could do. So I really couldn’t sleep the night before the finals, worrying about whether I could play well today.

I am fortunate topside played so well. I am No. 1 in KDA, which makes sense. I had zero deaths in the finals. I didn’t expect that I would have zero deaths, but I worked hard to reduce my mistakes in this year’s finals. There were a lot memes about this year’s worlds which I found funny. Looking back on this year, the summer split and MSI were not that bad. During MSI I played pretty well, and everyone was shaken in the summer regular season. It’s great to have a good worlds but its also not something I want to have bad regular seasons. I want to manage my condition better in the future, to play better in other seasons. You have to allocate your energy well and stay in good condition. I could feel noticable improvements in my play after a good rest. For me, having a good holiday keeps me refreshed because of the long rest and allows me to return in top form.

This is our team uniform. You can see the four stars. Hahahaha, there are four stars, hahahaha. Although we only created one, getting one is amazing. I want to catch up with Bang & Wolf’s career results.

It’s great to finally win the world championship. After winning the championship, the atmosphere in the waiting room was very peaceful. Last year, there were many people crying in the waiting room and it was very solemn and quiet. After winning the championship this year, everyone was very relaxed and and we were able to take pictures together and relish in the moment. It’s great to be able to communicate and share happiness with fans.

I think it’s good that we were vaccinated in advance of this global finals. Our matches with TL and GEN really played big moments in improving our play and ban/pick. It is difficult to change one’s direction after winning. For those teams that have won all the games, it is difficult for them to change their direction after winning. Anyway, we only need to advance to the quarterfinals. From the beginning of the BLG game, or even the beginning of the C9 game our team’s gameplay level has been very good. Defeating four LPL teams in South Korea to win the championship really is romantic. BLG-LNG-JDG-WBG, the first, second, third and fourth seeds were all wiped out. All kill. We even won a lot of series 3-0.

GEN and JDG were the favorites to win, which is why they they beat us in one game each. Hahahahaha. They are indeed champion candidates. They won one round of T1 each. Hahahahaha. If there was a moment of crisis it was the series with JDG. But Faker’s Azir shuffle really was spectacular. Our ban/pick was really good this world cup; the coaching staff and players worked hard to formulate our drafts. We were thus able to get drafts we really wanted. In particular for our series with Weibo we paid particular importance in draft and came up with dozens of scenarios and what to do in certain situations.

livestream source:

  • Js_On_My_YeetB
    10 months ago

    If Korea wants to keep winning worlds, they need to keep this roster together as long as possible. I’m convinced they are a level above the rest and are capable of b2b championships.