Title. If you are 0-10 and have 450 damage as Hanzo after 5 minutes, maybe you should evaluate the situation, and switch to some hero you can play better. I know QP is for trying out new heroes and learning, but for the love of God, don’t take the other 4 people on your team hostage. 5 minutes of trying and failing hard per match should be enough. At least give a chance to the others, don’t make them take the L without trying. Tonight I had back to back to back matches with 0-10 Hanzos and a Mercy who had 200 healing after 5 minutes. I asked why? Reply: I’m not a Mercy main. Dude, it was a rhetorical question. You are not a Mercy main, I get it. But you know you CAN heal, right? I’m not a leaver so I played the matches out but it left a bitter taste in my mouth to say the least. I have heroes I never touch for this exact reason because I know I am extremely bad with them and I don’t want to make 4 randos suffer because of me.

  • GoodDayMyFineFellowB
    1 year ago

    Anyone who plays Hanzo should switch based upon principle alone but for everyone else no, they don’t have to switch and they shouldn’t switch. They should put in the effort to learn something new so they can have fun with it further down the line.

    Yeah it can suck to lose just because a teammate isn’t doing well but the training range is only good for learning controls and bots suck so blame blizzard. There’s nowhere else to learn.