Waterproof steam deck vinyl template leaks cause billions of dollars of damage annually across the U.S. Not to mention the health problems associated with the moisture left behind. After a storm, the water has trouble getting up and over the end of the decks surface.

The metal flashing at the end of the steam deck vinyl template creates a dam that water can’t get over. A puddle is then formed and over time, corrupts the integrity of the deck. The coating decomposes over time and the leaks begin. Once the wood has been compromised by moisture, then come the termites. Termites use the affected wood as an entrance into the frame of the house. Once inside, they nest, and then the real fun begins.

Mold spores also become a health concern, water can’t evaporate and remains trapped in the framing and insulation of the home. Soon, heat of the sun refracts onto the decking surface off the glass door off the steam deck vinyl template .Like a magnifying glass increasing the suns power, soon, water comes to a boil. The liquid turns to a gas and forces its way out of the interior in the form of steam. The steam has a decomposive affect on the wood that softens up the wood such that it becomes unsafe.

Over time a steam deck vinyl template will fail, often resulting in injury when the foot crashes through the plywood and into the drywall below. In the last few years over 50 people have been killed by catastrophic deck collapse and over 1350 injured, and many incidences go unreported!

Once the steam deck vinyl template surface has been removed, the damage revealed is incredible. The wood itself seems as though it has been through a fire. Both the plywood and framing is so “cooked” its color has turned from a light wood color to a charcoal color. The wood has the appearance as though it has been charred or burned. It is not a good sign when you can drill a hole with your index finger into rotted wood.

Technically, these steam deck vinyl template are called pedestrian membrane surface coatings. They include metal flashing, plywood, metal lathing, cementitious rubberized acrylic mortar, fiberglass cloth, epoxy resin coating, safety texture and finally, four coats of an elastomeric waterproof steam deck vinyl template coating is then applied. These complicated decking surfaces meet new stringent fire codes and allow for over one hour burn time. Older coatings often are the cause of fire from burning embers from barbecues. The universal steam deck vinyl template coating code also includes a pitch of a minimum 1⁄4 “ per foot, so as to allow for proper drainage.

Source: https://medium.com/@jimyjhon229/steam-deck-vinyl-template-leaks-and-associated-health-risks-f1453bc30692