I have been away for a while, but want to enjoy the game again for a while and I am wondering what are fun and strong off picks these days for the support role? I used to main top and jungle/mid as an alternative and I would use some of these chars as an off meta support pick to surprise the enemy.

I used to play a super mean Nidalee support fe and as soon as I had sheen and a bit of AP feed myself with snipes in the enemy jungle or on players and snowball the game. Loved that! I also played other chars when suitable, which were not on the support meta. Like Lux before it was cool to play her as support.

I am looking to return some of that fun. See the other team be surprised for it. Loved it. BUT I see Neekoh, Lux for example are already on the meta list. What are decent off meta support picks these days to surprise people with but can be actually strong?