Debating on these two laptops… thoughts/opinions??

  • @false79B
    28 months ago

    I was at the Apple Store today and gave these a test drive.

    The 15" feels way more lighter, it’s a great size when closed, super thin. It’s the better choice if you the majority of your usage is surfing+light productivity work. Battery life is also a winner because it’s not as powerful with just 8 cores. I also love how there is absolutely no fans. Passive heatsink. Will throttle when you really push it.

    The 14" definitely felt heaver, thicker. More powerful and I expect it to also not be as a long lasting battery because of the high refresh rate display, more CPU and GPU cores. It’s the better laptop if you are going to be doing more than just surfing+light productivity, and you are doing those tasks more often. Video editing, music production, xCode, I would classify as tasks that definitely take advantage of a MBP features. If those are those types of things one does daily, the weight and thickness and can totally be overlooked as the non pro M2 can struggle, I’ve read anecdotally. MBP also have the better heat dissipation as it has a cooling fan. You want power, you will get it. But also moving parts like a fan will be the first to go on a computer.

    The displays are only 1" different. It was like a 50/50, no clear winner.

    My personal pick is I chose the 15" simply because of the weight and how thin it is. I have way more powerful computers that I can RDP into. So the MBA serves as the perfect thin client.

    • @slytechnicalB
      18 months ago

      15” air is 3.3 lbs, 14” pro is 3.5 lbs. For pure weight they’re very very close.

      • @false79B
        18 months ago

        If both of them are presented in front of you, you lift one up and weight the other, it’s immediate that the MBA is subjectively lighter.

        But if one purchased the MBP without having touched the MBA, the weight is actually a non-issue. Its not an everyday occurrence to have access to both that it would make a true difference.

        Just like how the display is very very close that it could be negligible, as to your point, the weight could be negligible too.

        • @Ok-Lengthiness7171B
          18 months ago

          agreed. This is what people dont get it. They just look at specs and say both are same weight but 15" Air will feel substantially lighter than 14" MBP.

          This is because all of the weight of the 14" MBP is at the top sector near the display hinge due to fans and other components. The weight is not evenly spreaded out unlike the 15" or 13" air. People just dont get this stuff without carrying and holding them side by side.

  • @robertpetryB
    18 months ago

    I picked the Air after looking at them side by side. I couldn’t tell too much difference in screen quality and the extra inch is very noticeable and usable.

    Most of my work is email, PowerPoint, Teams meetings, web apps, and spreadsheets. For me, extra screen real estate is more important than darker blacks.

    I also liked the feel of the keyboard (a bit shorter, easier stroke to my feel) when typing. And I travel a good deal for work and it is thinner.

    If you need more power for your work stream, I can see the Pro making sense. I thought about it.

    But the Air was a better fit for me. I ordered last week.

    • @Open-Cartographer834B
      18 months ago

      I just returned my MacBook Pro M3 because I couldn’t stand the typing experience compared to my MBA M2 13”.

      Also, I’m so use to the form factor of the air that I’m willing to work around the screen and lack of ports.

    • @SureStrainB
      18 months ago

      I agree. Most folks probably won’t notice a speed difference at all between them, especially those coming to Reddit and asking. For normal everyday tasks and office workflows there isn’t any real difference. Portability is so much better on the Air. It makes a difference. I don’t buy the longevity argument either.

      • @ersheriB
        18 months ago

        It’s so confusing. I’m just going to use it for web searches, checking email, maybe playing games, nothing high tech. What do you recommend??

  • @InsanePacmanB
    18 months ago

    To me, the 150$ is well worth the 120hz display, extra battery life, and active cooling fans (if you push it hard enough to activate them). Also, the option for dual monitors is cool, and you have an hdmi port on the Pro. They also have better resale value (at least here in Canada).

    Edit*: you also have more GPU cores, which is nice for any video editing, modelling or gaming, if you plan on dabbling there at all.

    • @Ok-Lengthiness7171B
      18 months ago

      M2 pro 14" doesnt have extra battery life. Web browsing life is way better on the 15" macbook air for example. (3 hours more)

    • @Fancy-Independent-31B
      18 months ago

      Hi mate, I agree with you except the battery life. The battery drains a little faster on the m2pro(it still has incredibly battery performance though)

    • @isamilisB
      18 months ago

      I thought M2 15 battery life is better than MBP 14. To OP: it comes down to whether you need fan (due to very heavy load), also how much benefit of better screen, better speaker in MBP and lighter weight in MBA for your typical usage.

      • @Ok-Lengthiness7171B
        18 months ago

        correct. Some people just assume pro means everything is magically better. I guess marketing works well here …

    • @TomphuntB
      18 months ago

      also muuuch better speakers, and the screen is a Mini-LED. Unless OP absolutely needs the portability of the air (which at 15" isn’t that much compared to the 14" pro), it would be absolutely insane to not go for the pro.

      • @isamilisB
        18 months ago

        The screen is actually debatable. 15” vs 14”. MBP has Mini-LED but MBA screen doesn’t have PWM which is more eyes-friendly for people with sensitive eyes & long term usages.

      • @Ok-Lengthiness7171B
        18 months ago

        15" air is way better portability wise. Try holding and carrying both 14" MBP and 15" air in your hands in Apple store and you will see.

    • @Mission_Dog3946B
      18 months ago

      If you play literally any game ever get the pro lol my fans are ALWAYS on playing wow unless I turn the graphics all the way down.

  • @SupaHotFlameB
    18 months ago

    For $150 more this is an easy choice for me. Go pro, better screen and better chip.

    18 months ago

    Personally, my notebook computer primarily sits on my desk, plugged into external monitors. I travel less often than I used to. For this reason, I’d go with the Pro for the extra IO and ability to connect two monitors without resorting to DisplayLink drivers.

  • @mloukaB
    18 months ago

    No brainer in any case I feel to pick the pro. $150 over the lifespan of the computer for:

    • Much better processor
    • Ability for 2 external displays
    • Nearly the same weight
    • 120hz vs 60 - no going back
    • HDMI port, good for travel in hotels if no airplay, or even at home in general
    • Additional usb c port
    • Keyboard is nice (on both)

    For productivity reasons if you ever try 2 actual external displays (like 2 4Ks or 1440s) instead of one, it’s a world of difference. I recently had to return my 2nd external display and have been using my mbp as a 2nd display (16”), and it’s been a rough ride. It helps but nothing like the productivity of 2 actual external displays.

    • @robertpetryB
      18 months ago

      “No brainer” - Why?

      • Much better processor - Use case says there would be no difference in real life performance at all
      • Ability for 2 external displays - Most non-professionals do not use 2 external monitors. If they will, then yes, this is a good reason
      • Nearly the same weight - but not nearly the same size. Air 15 has over an inch larger screen. The 14 is closer in size to the Air 13.6. In person it is a big difference.
      • 120hz vs 60 - no going back - Really? on a laptop I didn’t see much difference side by side. Maybe for gaming or sports watching, but 60 is good enough for most uses.
      • HDMI port, good for travel in hotels if no airplay, or even at home in general - Agreed but a small adapter fits in any pocket on you case or sleeve. is that worth the extra weight and thickness?
      • Additional usb c port - Same as above
      • Keyboard is nice (on both) - That is personal preference. On the 14 the keystrokes needed felt longer and the heavier to me. I liked the lighter feeling on the Air.

      Depending upon use case and personal preferences, I think the decision could go either way. That is not a “no brainer.” IMHO.

      • @mloukaB
        18 months ago

        After no brainer I did follow that with how “I feel”. Personal preference trumps all if you know what you want, no problem with that. OP asked tor opinions.

        I’ve had a 13in, 15, 17, and now 16. Definitely agree that I’d prefer 15 over 14, but not to lose being able to connect 2 externals over without having to get additional accessories. 2 externals also need more power to run well.

        It’s also why I didn’t reply to your original comment because I’m not here trying to convince you that you made a wrong choice with getting the MacBook Air. You sound like you know what you want and what you wanted was the best choice for you, so who am I to advise you.

        But while we’re on the topic, it only weights .2 lbs more lol, and nominally thicker

  • @Hypesauce1998B
    18 months ago

    So I went back and forth on this as well. I bought the air for my wife cause she is a teacher. I posted my own thread and most people had buyers remorse with going with the pro. They would have preferred extra screen relastate. So I ended up getting her the 15" and honestly she is not gaming or video editing so she would never need for than the M2 which is already better than most i5 and i7 window laptops. At the end of the day it depends what you want to use it for. If it is going to be for nothing more than web browsing and school work the air works. If it will be heavy lifting than the pro.

  • @Bacon-80B
    18 months ago

    Depends on your usage - none of us know how it’s going to be used.

    Netflix & light personal work? Air. Like the lowest model of an air.

    Photo editing, video compression, code bases, scripts, CAD work? Pro all the way.

  • @ersheriB
    18 months ago

    That’s my question I’m not sure what to buy!!

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  • @SacorZB
    18 months ago

    Air all the way. Had both here for testing. Air was superior in screen size (significantly!), screen feel (feels better than pro despite 60Hz less!), weight, thinness, general astetics, keyboard feel, touchpad feel and size, keyboard background.
