The only tank I enjoy playing is sigma. I normally main support because it fits my playstyle better, but started playing him after i had him assigned during a mystery match. I’ve found tanking with him is enjoyable… However, I am hesitant to stray from support to practice him more out of fear that Blizard will nerf him. Is this fear unreasonable?
There’s nothing guaranteed with the balance of the game.
The devs did say he’s performing the best right now so I could either a slight nerf or buff to his counters or some mixture of the two to mix it up
It’s pretty one dimensional way of looking at things. He gets a lot of playtime rn to counter bastion based anti tank comps. Why do these bs comps exists ? Look to bap, Ana and kiriko who sustain cheese comps.
How about you tone down the supports and burst aoe heals ?
They haven’t nerfed or buffed sigma in forever cause he’s been in such a good spot he’s strong but not to strong that he easily dominates
Hes in a realtively good spot and is fairly balanced, so… given Blizzards record, very high
Sigma is one of the more balanced tanks in the game, I’d be very surprised if they do anything with his kit for the foreseeable future
If anything, he’ll get some minor numbers tweaks, but nothing big
He’s probably the most balanced tank right now
I hope to god they wont touch the few self sustain tanks that do not immediately explode in solo queue.
I think this is a pretty close call TBH. For sure he is strong but I wouldnt say hes OP and people complain less about him than Zarya and Orisa. Possibly a small nerf, like slightly reducing shield health or the amount of health he can absorb. But if they do tweak him it should only be a minimal change.
He is arguably the most balanced hero în the game