After a little research and poking around here I’ve found out that swapping in the SSD should be no problem at all as long as the firmware on the SSD is on the latest stable branch when swapped in. But there’s still a few concerns I have before I decide whether to do this:

  1. What happens to all the OLED specific stuff? Like the orange logo boot sequence, the custom keyboard that comes with the 1TB version? Will I need to do anything extra to keep that stuff?
  2. Once I’ve swapped in my LCD deck’s SSD into the OLED, will I be able to insert my 512gb micro SD with a bunch of games on and have it still work? Or will it want reformatting?
  3. In fact, if I DON’T swap in the SSD and decide it’ll be easier to just start again from scratch with the new SSD, will I be able to insert my 512gb micro SD card and still have it work?

I’m quite confident in my ability to open up decks, but I’m just trying to determine if that really is easier than redownloading a bunch of games. So if anyone knows how all this works, I’d love your insight.