For those who don’t know: Gotham Knighslts divides the gameplay loop into day and night sections, with days being spent at the base-of-operations for the batfam (the Belfry), and nights being spent on the streets doing hero stuff. In the open world there essentially two kinds of crimes: minor, and premeditated. Both happen every night, but the really interesting thing is as you complete minor crimes throughout the city, you will gain clues which, the next night, point you towards the larger, premeditated crimes. This system really emphasizes the implied investigative work that most street-level super heroes are at least implied to do in the comics.

Now, let me acknowledge valid criticisms of this system: it gets repetitive in the same way that the crimes in the Spider-Man games eventually get repetitive. There’s only so many actually programmed crimes, so before long you’ll find yourself doing essentially the same ones over and over.

This system is really immersive in my opinion. It really sold me on the idea of a group of onvestigative heroes without constantly slowling the game to make me splve a puzzle or pick up and rotate objects or photographs. Regardless of what you think about the rest of the game, this is one system that I think the devs absolutely nailed, and I would really like other games to take notes from this system.

With more depth and a wider variety of crimes, I feel like this system could become a standard of super hero games, but that’s just my two cents.